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# Name Lemulia Loot Points
1 -TueMinh- 187
2 -$lugger-. 124
3 Ka!Ryle!gh 60
4 -[L][Y][N] 58
5 Orfelio 39
6 #HaJjar 37
7 HungHUDA 25
8 -[M]adara- 25
9 -TrieuNgoc 24
10 HoCam 18
11 -Lemon-. 13
12 StemAero14 6
13 Ayawsk 5
14 loading.. 2
15 Ekku 2
16 -Raiders. 2
17 BKExo 2
18 RX5500XT 1
19 HighMorale 1
21 Meteorite 1
22 -Gawtti 1
23 oBUCKo 1
24 Pusa* 1
26 Dek. 1
27 -[D]- 1
Last update was before 7 hours

Next scheduled restart for this ranking is at January 8th, 2026

This is yearly ranking for Draconite Hunter Event. This ranking system is determined by Point System. Every Lemulia raid boss kill contributes you +1 Lemulia Loot Point to this ranking, bonus 50 Credits for the WebShop and Package of Credits at the end of the year.

(+) Bonus Credits Package will be given in the end of every year for Top 10 in the above Ranking based on scheme below:

!!NEW!! Yearly Reward Scheme:
Top 1: 30,000 Gold Credits +$50 USD for WebShop
Top 2~5: 30,000 Gold Credits +$25 USD for WebShop
Top 6~10: 15,000 Gold Credits +$25 USD for WebShop

You can check all server events schedule [here]

The winners (HoF) to 2024 [here]

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1. Download InfinityMU - Click Here.

2. Install MU using the InfinityMU Installer.

Connecting to INFINITY MU

1. Sign Up.
2. Run InfinityMU icon from desktop or launcher from InfinityMU folder

Owner: BRAZlL

Next Siege: 29/3/2025

  1. Mashka

  2. #Munky

  3. Vee

  4. Cob

  5. gwap1ng

  6. RallePeng

  7. Metagross

  8. [GTR]

  9. [VN].STAR

  10. LowKo


  2. IMFRA

  3. NAVY

  4. x0UTLAWx


  6. Senate

  7. Saveckij


  9. TeAmOnES

  10. iMp3riAL



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