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Blood Castle Revamp Prizes Enabled!

# Character Blood Points
1 [T]-Rex-TD 188
2 [My-Soul] 187
3 BomberBK 185
4 [D]-Hugo# 130
5 Satirica 123
6 PureLuck 90
8 MoL3CuL3 90
9 Rosado 72
10 IC0MB4T3I 66
11 [D]elvill 52
12 *Viego* 44
13 StemAero14 37
14 AngkasTara 34
15 BKMoveit 33
16 xDarkrai 32
17 Asrif 31
18 -IULADECH* 27
19 BeReNiC 25
21 soulpista 24
22 Birisi 24
23 DeymnBoom 23
24 Dannelx 23
25 PandaRider 22
26 yOmyOm 22
27 Hang0veR 20
28 4ngel0 20
29 BlackSiege 18
31 [P]rezes 12
32 IamAliveKU 12
33 carmem 12
34 weweweew 12
35 Aleksei 11
36 HalimaO 10
37 jemm 10
38 maestrac7 10
39 Izzo 9
40 Bloodl3ss 8
41 Malachite 7
43 PvP.Oriko 7
44 Inusidego 7
45 HFRaina 7
47 -[T]-55R$x 7
48 NiceShide 7
49 LeolasdoSU 7
50 lmPrint[*] 7
51 VengeancSM 6
52 *D*I*O* 6
53 Carnivean0 6
54 Flopis 6
55 MU2002 6
56 MGRaudo 6
57 ESTP 6
58 xdharkx 6
59 OveRollyMg 6
60 A55Fixthx 6
61 WERPA 5
62 -StazZ 5
63 ElGSC 5
64 BaRLaS 5
65 Orfelio 5
66 VenomSoul 5
67 1of1 5
68 Brutaklami 4
69 3eBs 4
70 Toyomi 4
71 Zhefiroth 4
72 PgaMaldito 4
73 LeGenDBoss 4
74 Naidenow 3
75 HKsir11 3
77 seraphym 3
78 Pusa* 3
79 KuNiKiDa 3
80 ZaineyRose 3
81 Kimchei 3
82 N1ghtm4re 3
83 SouLHeteRs 3
84 nCuXX 3
85 Metadona01 3
86 MT10 3
87 --Luffy-- 3
88 Zbujcerz 3
89 DavidBowie 3
91 !!!! 2
92 *LordYeNo* 2
93 CyetoLog 2
94 Telmanoglu 2
95 Heatwave. 2
96 InfiGreed 2
97 DarkSoyLa 2
98 -+(Evil)+- 2
99 PsyChoNOoB 2
100 DireWolves 2
Last update was now

Next scheduled restart for this ranking is at February 28, 0:00 a.m. utc+3, 2025

This is monthly ranking for Blood Castle Event. This ranking system is determined by Point System. Every Blood Castle win contributes you +1 Blood Point to the monthly ranking, bonus 50 Gold Credits for the WebShop and Pack of Gold Credits at the end of the month.

(+) Bonus Gold Credits Package will be given in the end of every month for Top 10 in the above Ranking based on scheme below:

Monthly Reward Scheme:
Top 10: 10,000 Gold Credits
Top 10-20: 5,000 Gold Credits

Blood Castle Revamp Prizes:

Monthly Top 3 Blood Castle players will be granted 1 of the following uber weapon-shield pair for 30 days:

  • Azrael's Pride – Azrael Sword of Pride paired with Azrael Pride Shield (equipped by BK)
  • Azrael's Wrath – Azrael Staff of Wrath paired with Azrael Wrath Shield (equipped by SM/MG)
  • Azrael's Lust – Azrael Mace of Lust paired with Azrael Lust Shield (equipped by ELF)
  • Azrael's Envy – Azrael Sword of Envy paired with Azrael Envy Shield (equipped by MG)
  • Azrael's Greed – Azrael Scepter of Greed paired with Azrael Greed Shield (equipped by DL)

- The ranking is reset at the end of every month and the winners are defined right after the restart in this forum topic.
- The bonuses are added within a time zone of 24 hours after the winners are chosen.
- If you keep your place in top 3 for the next month - your Azrael Set items remain with your account and also you can request for an item exchange;
- If you keep your win strike in top 3 for the next 5 months - your Azrael Set items remain with your account forever;
- With every new month you can request for new Azrael Set (after the 5 months win strike and like that until you collect all the Azrael Sets).
- Exchanges are accepted one-time and can be requested only by support ticket system : 24/7 Support Ticket System

You can check all server events schedule [here]

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Next Siege: 22/2/2025

  1. Vee

  2. Cob

  3. RallePeng

  4. [GTR]

  5. [VN].STAR

  6. #Munky

  7. Mashka

  8. LowKo

  9. CareBear

  10. Dzung


  2. IMFRA

  3. NAVY

  4. x0UTLAWx


  6. Senate

  7. Saveckij


  9. TeAmOnES

  10. iMp3riAL



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