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Founded in 2008, InfinityMU is one of the longest-running and most stable servers for MU Online, boasting a thriving and active community.
Our goal is to provide players with an exceptional gaming experience, creating a welcoming environment to enjoy MU Online with others.

We offer a classic, glitch-free version of the game, enhanced with exciting features and designed for seamless, long-term gameplay for years to come.
It’s no surprise that many players have been with us since the very beginning.. Read on to discover our thrilling features!

Version: Season 3 Episode 1, enhanced and 99.99% bug-free.
Security: Game Protected by unique proprietary anti-cheating software with an advanced anti-dupe system.
Community: Engage in guilds, tournaments, castle sieges, wars, and a vibrant in-game economy.
Population: Thousands of active players in-game and on forum at any time of the day.
▪ Necron (Non PVP)
▪ Odin (Balanced PVP - All classes usable)
▪ Siege (Classic PVP)
Stability: Servers are always online with only a few minutes of maintenance (pre-announced)
Website: Feature rich, yet simple and user friendly website
▪ Experience: 9999999X
▪ Drops: 100%
▪ Chaos Machine: 100%
▪ Jewels: 100%
▪ Max Stats: 32,767
Shops: Box of Kundun +1, +2, +3, +4 / Wings / Jewels in NPCs
Game Play: PVP and NonPVP / 32 Game FPS guaranteed game smoothness
Monster Spawns:
Non-PVP Servers: Fully populated with monster spawns for immersive gameplay.
PVP Servers: Reduced monster spawns to minimize lag during PVP battles.
Balanced Market Economy: In the server of Infinity MU Online, we have a unique currency system which players have developed through out the years of playing and experiencing. [See More]
Bless Zen Bug Enabled: buy and sell Jewel of Bless in NPC to get Zen.
Daily GM Events, Support and many interesting tournaments In-Game.

New Game FPS Update - Up to 32 FPS game client – Our game supports 32+ FPS! Enjoy a much smoother and more stable experience compared to the original Webzen client. Say goodbye to lag and low FPS in MU!

New HD Game Resolutions - HD Resolutions supported up to 1920 x 1080. Say good bye to old MU pixels quality.

Multi Client Instances - You can open up to 3 game client instances at once.

Right Click Enabled - Right-click on items to easily move them in trade, Chaos Machine, and Jerridon.

Unique PVP Balance System - At InfinityMU, we are proud to announce that we have achieved a balanced character class PvP system. It now works effectively for any class-versus-class matchup and can be further developed to deliver extraordinary results. Our goal is to transform MU Online PvP, ensuring that every character class enjoys a truly balanced and enjoyable PvP experience.

Multi Character System - Players can now create up to 25 characters on a single account directly in-game and easily switch between Character Pages by pressing the button below characters in your game account.
[Click to Read More]

Multi Warehouse System - We offer up to 20 extra warehouses, allowing you to store far more items than usual—and it's all free of charge!

Achievements System - Achievement points boost your Achievement Power Buff. The higher your level, the stronger your character becomes. This buff enhances the following attributes: Physical Damage, Wizardry Damage, Maximum Life, Critical Damage, and Excellent Damage. In addition to the Power Buffs, completing achievements also rewards you with 1,000 Credits for each achievement. Gold Credits are added instantly. [read more]
Read more about Achievements Update here: here.

Infinity Buff System - Buff Power is determined by the number of resets your character has completed. The Infinity Power Buff enhances the following attributes: Defense, Damage, Excellent Damage, HP, and Experience Gain.

Combo System for all character classes - If you ever thought you can have the ability to achieve combos with your Dark Lord, Soul Master, Muse Elf or Magic Gladiator - then you should definetely know that you can do it in InfinityMU! .

Duel System - If you love to PK and mostly duel with friends and foes this new duel system will amaze you.

Display Damage, HP, Mana, SD, AG and Exp - The display of the following character properties: damage, health, mana, SD, AG and experience given for killing monsters has been fixed. For example, before the maximum damage display was 65,535, everything above this value was counted as zero. Now it is displayed as it is, if the damage was 120,000, it will be displayed like that (similarly with HP, Mana, AG, SD).

Advanced Stats - Displaying accurate characteristics of every character class depending on the Set Equipment, Character Stats Points, Achievements and Infinity Power Buff [read more]

Reconnect System - If you have ping fluctuations that usually lead to disconnect or the game server is restarted, you will be automatically logged to the game without client closing

63 New Unique Configured Ancient Sets - This are the most rare items ingame together with Draconite Sets can be collected by drop in Land Of Trials, Kalima Boss and as reward in Chaos Castle Event! You can also add Jewel of Ancient to normal items and transform your items into Ancient with unique additional options for PvP!

Potions Cool-Down System - Exclusive system made with purpose to stop all kinds of healing hacks in MU Online and also give chance to everyone in PVP no matter their Ping / Ms to the server!

HP & SD Bars - One of the groundbreaking innovations of InfinityMU is the HP/SD bar feature introduced in the Game Update 15.12.18 along with the Multi-Character System. It allows players to have visibility of their opponent’s SD and HP (HP for mobs and bosses) which provides better and more intense PvP experience.

Battle Event - Daily Auto PVP Event, scheduled every hour in Server 3 (Odin) with 2,000 Gold Credits Reward for the biggest killing spree score in time frame of 8 miutes and competition for 3-Month PVP Ranking [here] where top 10 users will be rewarded with Uber Set by choice. Read More about Battle Event [Here]

The Draconite Hunter Event - Daily Invasion of Erohim and Hell Maine in Aida and Kantru maps (4 times per day). Ancalagon and Lemulia in Niflheim map Rewards: 50 Credits per HellMaine/Erohim/Ancalagon/Lemulia killed + Draconite Rare Item which you can exchange 120 pieces for Uber Sets (Excellent + Ancient + Full Options Set).
You can see all Draconite Uber Sets here

New Unique Jewels - A few unique jewels bringing the game economy a boost to another new level, they are as follow: Jewel of Luck, Jewel of Skill, Jewel of Ancient, Jewel of Excellent, Jewel of Ancient Harmony, Jewel of Extraction allowing your items to be upgraded with Skill, Luck, Ancient and up to 3 Excellent Options in the game process without using WebShop.

Semi Uber Items - Server online 11 years so it’s must be hard for new players to become ready to fight old players? Actually no, we have special locations where every new player can make Uber armors, Uber weapons, jewels in 2-4 weeks of farming mobs and win in PVP without any donations, read more about Semi Ubers here .

NPC: Buff Master - 5 Unique Buffs - Damage, Defense, Critical Damage, Inner (Swell) and Mana Shield - 6 hours duration and a fixed prices (1000 Gold Credits / 2000 Credits for each of the buffs). [read more]

No Agility Bugs - All skills and spells are working without any speed or visual problems or so called "Agility Bugs"... such as problems with Evil Spirits, Penetration, Fire Scream & others are gone for good.

Monster Point System - If you love to defeat monster bosses and golden creatures you can earn Monster Points and later on exchange them for Credits at the WebShop. 1 Monster point is equivalent to 1 Credit. Using our Credits you can buy Full Option Items at our WebShop. Read More about Monster Shop and how to earn Monster Points, click here

Castle Siege Event - Every Weekend. (Amazing PVP fun for every guild who's up for challenge) InfinityMU's CS Unique Points System is active when only 1 Attacker is registered (Read More [Here]) Reward: 120 Winds F.O. + Land of Trials (Excellent Item Drops up to 3 Exc Options) for the Guild Master. 3 Wins in a row: Uber Set Tier-1 by choice + F.O. + 116 wind accessories F.O. + bonus 4 Uber Sacred Rings of Wind F.O. or any other uber accessories (rings/pendants) F.O. & More rewards [read here]

CryWolf Event - 2 times per day. (Rewards Season 2 and Season 3 Excellent Items). Defeating Dark Elfs rewards Jewel of Ancient in a rate of 100%. Defeating Balgass (Boss) rewards all New Jewels: Jewel of Ancient, Jewel of Excellent, Jewel of Luck, Jewel of Skill, Jewel of Ancient Harmony & Jewel of Extraction in a rate of 100% in a single drop of all new six jewels. Additional reward is also 200 Monster Points for defeating Balgass and 50 Monster Points for defeating Dark Elfs.

Kantru Event - In-game Event, get rewarded with many excellent items, starting from +0 up to +13.

Blood Castle Event - Gauranteed Reward: 50 Gold Credits + Random Rewards: Jewel of Excellent, Jewel of Ancient, Jewel of Skill, Jewel of Luck, Rena or Sign of Lord as reward for BC Event. Blood Castle Event Rewards are added to the character's inventory in real time and in case inventory is full the reward is dropped in the ground.

Chaos Castle Event - Gauranteed Reward: 50 Gold Credits + Jewel of Excellent, Jewel of Ancient, Jewel of Skill and Jewel of Luck as reward for CC Event.

Devil Square Event - Lord Kundun monster boss respawns x4 at DS Level 7 dropping latest excellent and ancient weapons and sets, new jewels and bonus 25 Gold Credits if you finish the event completely without being killed. Each of the Lord Kunduns also brings you extra +25 Credits (Monster Points which you can exchange for Credits in WebShop)

White Rabbits Invasion - Mechanics: Hunt for White Rabbits in Noria, Devias and Tarkan in about 6 random coordinates will be respawned cute white rabbits for about 10 minutes with high drop rate of Sign of Lord packs x 30 pieces per pack.

White Wizard & Red Dragon Invasions - Rewards: 25 Credits per defeated White Wizard & Red Dragon.

In-Game Reset System - Get your Level Reset completed in-game by "Reset Master" NPC which is located nearby Lorencia bar and earn extra Credits for every Reset to be used in the WebShop where everyone is allowed to spend Credits for Items + Full Options.

In-Game Grand Reset System - Exchange Resets for WebShop Credits via game NPC "Grand Reset Master" or use your user panel at website.

Vote System - Vote for Us and Get Rewarded!

Referral System - Send your Referral unique link to your friends and win WebShop Credits.

Online Time Trade - As much as you stay online in-game, the more credits you earn from this function!

Add Stats Command - Level Up Points adding in-game by command without need for switch character or relog. Your stats is added in real time.(/addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addene, /addcom | Example, Press Enter in-game and type the following text: /addstr 3000 and 3000 points will be added to Strength)

Monthly Competitions: Monthly Top Resets, Top Votes, Blood Castle Chaos Castle, Devil Square, Golden Archer and Quarterly/Seasonal TOP IMES (InfinityMU Event Series - daily hosted events by Game Masters) - Monthly rankings with unique rewards and unique custom score system.

Easy/fun game-play without lags, bugs or cheats, constant updates and improves with professional developers behind the server.

24/7 Online Dedicated Server.

24/7 Support Service. E-mail Ticket service

No Duplication of Items

∞ InfinityMU has never had a dupe problem and we track all items by giving each item in the game a serial number to ensure this doesn’t happen.

A welcoming and highly active community.

Our staff team is constantly running both forum events and in-game events.

∞ We offer exclusive content that breathes new life into the game—features you won’t even find in the official versions or other private servers.

∞ InfinityMU takes class balance seriously, with a dedicated team that leverages PvP and PK statistics to create the most balanced gameplay experience possible, ensuring that all classes are as balanced as possible. In September 2018, we released a major balancing patch after six months of rigorous development and testing. The update was a resounding success, as noted by countless players who enjoy playing Elf, Dark Wizard, and Magic Gladiator. The results are clear—PvP and PK activity in the Arena now showcase a diverse mix of classes, with no domination by just Dark Knights or Dark Lords.

We invite you to experience InfinityMU, a top-tier private server for MU Online that has been trusted by players since 2008. If you're searching for a long-term, high-rate server that will stand the test of time, InfinityMU is the perfect choice. With no wipes ever, you can rest assured that your characters and items will remain safe, even if you return after years. Whether you're playing with friends or making new connections, InfinityMU offers an unmatched gaming experience.

Join the community today—register now and download the game to begin your adventure!

Free counters!

Download and Install MU

1. Download InfinityMU - Click Here.

2. Install MU using the InfinityMU Installer.

Connecting to INFINITY MU

1. Sign Up.
2. Run InfinityMU icon from desktop or launcher from InfinityMU folder

Owner: BRAZlL

Next Siege: 29/3/2025

  1. Vee

  2. Cob

  3. gwap1ng

  4. RallePeng

  5. [GTR]

  6. #Munky

  7. [VN].STAR

  8. Mashka

  9. LowKo

  10. *CareBear*


  2. IMFRA

  3. NAVY

  4. x0UTLAWx


  6. Senate

  7. Saveckij


  9. TeAmOnES

  10. iMp3riAL



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