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# Name Wins Losses Points
1 #Brandy 342 159 208
2 #Maqa 319 103 231
3 Vegeettaa 261 166 10
4 #BearBrand 260 235 10
5 -Fang 245 67 268
6 *PH-*STAR* 244 120 203
7 *PH-*STAR* 243 119 203
8 *Ko.! 223 97 262
9 GearV8 211 117 43
10 MGjea 204 35 293
11 [W]arChild 203 150 105
12 Aiizen 198 43 178
13 Phylactery 194 118 70
14 Explo- 184 143 101
15 Explo- 159 125 101
16 Assasin* 153 59 173
17 Darkjea 152 59 108
18 p()wer 146 11 324
19 Atomic. 146 79 38
20 tsgh.hack 144 116 115
21 Sexyama 143 60 86
22 [Chuck] 140 72 18
23 -God. 138 126 10
24 DesuYO 136 79 127
25 MoonPangYa 132 46 46
26 DKAEL 127 29 95
27 [R]espect! 127 41 60
28 N0TORIOUS 124 70 50
29 Angelito20 123 88 26
30 [Super]RKT 122 36 76
31 #Aga 120 24 315
32 #SunnyDays 117 4 327
33 _Chris09_ 117 34 146
34 Sexyama 117 47 66
35 N.c.E 116 47 25
36 -Hayabusa 116 172 12
37 [H]aRuko 115 17 168
38 #Resurrect 115 86 17
39 GearV8 114 92 43
40 *Vivamax* 114 69 10
41 Pennywise- 113 40 81
42 -Sp4Rk- 112 87 37
43 Khonsu 110 56 293
44 >[Yuri]> 110 53 102
45 Nurmgmedov 110 139 18
46 -Caykes 109 78 55
47 Catman-44 108 48 182
48 *Marlboro* 108 60 28
49 #Marko 106 44 44
50 Rookie. 105 91 38
51 *Meliodas* 104 128 13
52 WangDadiDL 104 77 10
53 Sonyuy 103 13 189
54 VitaminV 103 46 183
55 q12w3e 102 15 243
56 Taghieff 102 24 209
57 CriXu$ 102 68 30
58 2Hot2BCo0L 102 113 28
59 Bisk!.. 102 92 10
60 AmoBonito 101 11 190
61 Rakk. 100 107 12
62 !*Asta*! 99 113 35
63 ]WaNTeD[ 99 128 10
64 Alexannder 98 53 34
65 BMPupa 95 41 54
66 Axie! 92 24 234
67 noobo 90 2 260
68 +HA-NOI+ 90 22 206
69 -6IX9INE. 90 42 176
70 *Cr1Xus 90 30 54
71 GodOfSM 90 91 14
72 Mr.Bad 90 80 14
73 -Grandpa. 86 27 66
74 Kenshin 85 38 106
75 Anonym0us. 84 8 220
76 THEpreciso 84 32 26
77 -CORONA(!) 84 44 18
78 *Yeno* 83 32 93
79 GearV8. 82 22 89
80 -MarveI 82 99 12
81 Mensajero 79 25 47
82 Ctrl+Click 77 23 96
83 *Piero 77 91 10
84 [B]uddy- 77 62 10
85 !-CyaN-! 76 86 17
86 [RVCA] 76 95 10
87 turco88 75 5 150
88 Mr.Taurus 75 26 103
89 vithanbsvn 75 59 10
90 Fya. 75 34 10
91 ]WaNTeD[ 74 107 10
92 powerpot 73 35 35
93 MrDevias 73 105 11
94 ExArmSM 72 23 116
95 -Star 72 62 24
96 Foil. 72 72 10
97 #Roi 71 66 17
98 -IULADECH* 70 14 91
99 #Wrynn 69 37 61
100 Bulii 69 46 17
Last update was now

Basic Information about InfinityMU Duel System:
- Every player starts with 10 Duel Points at the begining of the month if his Duel Points are below 10.
- Every victory will grant you 2 Duel Points while a defeat will substract 2 Duel points from your score.
- If your points drop to 0 "zero" you won't be able duel anymore until points reset the following month.
- We now support a maximum of 4 duel rooms. If all of them are occupied you need to wait for a duel to finish before you can compete in the arena.
- Player Health (HP) and Shield Defense (SD) values are displayed on the screen in real time with exact values.
- You can check your character information as well as other players information with our new command : /info "PlayerName" > Example : /info RESiSTANT.
This command will grant you information such as Player Level, Resets, Grand Resets & Duel Points.
- You may not warp out of Duel Room while Duel is active.
- Canceling the duel will result in losing 2 Duel Points.
- Global Message announcing the result of the duels.

Read More and watch screenshots and video about the new Duel System here.

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Owner: BRAZlL

Next Siege: 29/3/2025

  1. Mashka

  2. #Munky

  3. Vee

  4. Cob

  5. gwap1ng

  6. RallePeng

  7. Metagross

  8. [GTR]

  9. [VN].STAR

  10. LowKo


  2. IMFRA

  3. NAVY

  4. x0UTLAWx


  6. Senate

  7. Saveckij


  9. TeAmOnES

  10. iMp3riAL



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