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# Name Erohim Loot Points
1 -Silver[K] 352
2 -TrieuNgoc 275
3 -Dua- 189
4 [)elvill 141
5 *Nefarius* 129
6 *IMFRA* 119
7 SIRGLC300L 113
8 FanKi 84
9 #MalaChiH 66
10 $erafine.- 62
11 [-Mookie-] 56
12 #Palaka 56
13 *_* 53
14 HungHUDA 53
15 RedSky 48
16 Top-Girls* 47
17 UnknownNub 38
18 Atena87 35
19 Nidhogg 33
20 T1GLS 32
21 xRaiJeNx 28
22 LalaWet3 27
23 lFernetB 26
24 HoCam 26
25 StemAero14 26
26 ThorX9 25
27 jwlr 24
28 HighMorale 22
29 NoLimited 20
30 -[M]adara- 18
32 A09P18L66 17
33 xHJTxSM 17
34 BornLight 14
35 -[M1 12
36 BeDEp 12
37 [G]ogeta 11
38 DarKxxxx 10
39 Ekku 10
40 Noblesse 10
41 Ptah27 9
42 MagicTiger 7
43 [TearDrop] 7
44 RX5500XT 7
45 [CyB] 7
46 -$lugger-. 7
47 ZLovt 6
48 Birisi 6
49 Son[K] 5
50 angelito20 4
51 [C]Lutch.. 4
52 -MarveI 4
53 Brutaklami 4
54 Pusa* 4
55 +[RIP_08]+ 4
56 Duns 4
57 [K]enpachi 3
58 Anonym0us. 3
59 MiniWiz 3
60 lKlratosTD 3
61 ImBossSonK 3
62 Ranchoddas 3
63 Ka!Ryle!gh 3
64 --Luffy-- 3
65 ]WaNTeD[ 3
66 #Munky 3
67 [*Angel*] 3
68 WERPA 3
69 -Bacteria- 2
70 -Daft.Punk 2
71 BlackHawk! 2
72 -Lemon-. 2
73 -Sun 2
75 MGYaky 1
76 [S]akura 1
77 Finic 1
78 [T]omioka- 1
79 LordYeNo* 1
80 NangTho 1
81 Souh 1
82 $-K!NG-$ 1
83 #Trauma 1
84 lReal29l 1
85 -KneelDown 1
86 Kyu 1
87 KATSU_bot 1
88 Jallybean 1
89 MrDevias 1
90 -Demon! 1
91 VhagAR30 1
92 XxFrEdDYxX 1
93 [Khalifa] 1
94 [S]asuke 1
95 OffHax 1
Last update was before 38 minutes

Next scheduled restart for this ranking is at January 8th, 2026

This is yearly ranking for Draconite Hunter Event. This ranking system is determined by Point System. Every Erohim raid boss kill contributes you +1 Erohim Loot Point to this ranking, bonus 50 Credits for the WebShop and Package of Credits at the end of the year.

(+) Bonus Credits Package will be given in the end of every year for Top 10 in the above Ranking based on scheme below:

!!NEW!! Yearly Reward Scheme:
Top 1: 30,000 Gold Credits +$50 USD for WebShop
Top 2~5: 30,000 Gold Credits +$25 USD for WebShop
Top 6~10: 15,000 Gold Credits +$25 USD for WebShop

You can check all server events schedule [here]

The winners (HoF) to 2024 [here]

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Owner: BRAZlL

Next Siege: 29/3/2025

  1. Mashka

  2. #Munky

  3. Vee

  4. Cob

  5. gwap1ng

  6. RallePeng

  7. Metagross

  8. [GTR]

  9. [VN].STAR

  10. LowKo


  2. IMFRA

  3. NAVY

  4. x0UTLAWx


  6. Senate

  7. Saveckij


  9. TeAmOnES

  10. iMp3riAL



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